Get latest insights into the global fuel cell market by application, type of fuel cell, regions of integration and deployment.

This datastream provides data of the fuel cell market both in numbers of shipment units and total system megawatts. The data are further divided by: 

  1. Application: Numbers are divided by the type of application (transport, stationary or portable).
  2. Fuel cell type: Numbers are divided by the type of fuel cell chemistry (AFC, DMFC, MCFC, PAFC, PEMFC or SOFC).
  3. Region of integration: Region where the final manufacturer, usually the system integrator, integrates the fuel cell into the final product.
  4. Region of deployment: Region where the final product was shipped to for deployment.

Historical data are presented from 2014 - 2021*, originating from the E4tech Fuel Cell Industry Review 2021. 2021* is a forecast for the full year, based on firm data from January to September, and in most cases to as late as December.

Available Resources

Fuel cell market.xlsx English (150 KB - XLSX)

List of Acronyms 

You can check a comprehensive list here.


Alkaline Fuel Cell


Direct Methanol Fuel Cell


Molten Carbonate Fuel Cell


Phosphoric Acid Fuel Cell


Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell


Solid Oxide Fuel Cell